Yoga, sailing, my garden, good food, and family. Hot and humid and sunny and cloudless, it felt like the carefree days of summer had finally arrived.
Saturday morning I read through the newspaper. The Globe had an interesting opinion piece about 100 Days of Solitude, with 18 people sharing their lockdown experiences. Not for the first time in these days did I feel gratitude for staying happy, safe, and connected throughout the pandemic.
In honour of International Yoga Day, Marlene was leading a virtual lesson. This was the first time I've been in her class since early March, otherwise I have been taking advantage of several of the practices posted on the Yoga Centre Toronto website. It was comforting to have Marlene guide a practice and hear that plans are well underway to reopen Yoga Centre Toronto.
Dinner with Rob was lemon pasta with pan-fried scallops. Easy and tasty.
Then, down to BPYC for cocktails on Yondering. Bluffer's Park is incredibly busy, and just travelling down the hill takes at least four times longer with all the traffic. Not a lot of social distancing looks to be happening on the beaches.
It was odd to see so many boats still on the "hard," however there are many skippers in the club that have opted out of sailing entirely this summer.
Home again for a movie in the cool basement. Finally getting around to watching Transparent.
Sunday was the 21st which I think of as the solstice. I know there are good arguments for June 20, so why not just spread the festivities over two days?
A special 2 hour yoga class with Niren, again to celebrate International Yoga Day.
And Father's Day, another reason for celebration.
Dinner at Alex' and Penny's, hanging out in their backyard. Their garden is coming along so nicely and I was happy to see the transplants enjoying the sun. We had time to reminisce about growing up and happy times, as Alex had posted on Facebook: "Thanks for the camping trips to Killarney, being the baseball coach for my pewee league, the trips to the train tracks, a fellow racing fan, the claw chasing us around the block, helping me solve my grade 3 math problems, waking up at 6 for hockey, being an amazing bread maker, and overall an amazing Dad and friend."
A blessed start to summer!
If this isn't nice, I don't know what is.
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