Saturday, September 7, 2019

Happy birthday to me!

Happy birthday to me!

Taking time to reflect on the past year by reviewing some of the postings on my blog for 2018/2019. Another year, older. Wiser?

I am so grateful for Rob and Alex, and time spent together with Penny, family, extended family, and friends. It is good to see some of those moments captured here.

A year has come and gone since the death of my mom. I’ve thought of her often, wanting to call and just ramble on to a supportive and encouraging ear. Holidays were tough, but getting together with my brothers and sister has been true comfort.

As someone working in government this last year has brought lots of changes. A conservative regime brought new political masters with an appetite for cutting costs; an end to my much-loved secondment as Central PIC Advisor; a cancelled opportunity for job promotion; and a return to my home position as a Stakeholder Relations Lead. Although the work itself hasn’t been too demanding, the environment certainly has its challenges, with 80% of my work unit retiring and new colleagues coming onboard; a reorganization that moved our unit to another branch; a strategic shift where I have little control or input; and diminishing opportunities for advancement. I am happy to still have a job, as many programs were eliminated entirely and I haven’t yet quite met the magic pension numbers. Simply put, I need the gig. Fortunately my working conditions are great. I make sure to take time to break for lunch, whether that is going for a walk, visiting Allan Gardens, setting the lunch table for my mid-day meal, or meeting with friends. In May I started using a standing desk, which helps keep my energy levels high. I’ll often take a mid-afternoon break for a short mindfulness practice, and that helps too. When things get a little slow I can tap into online learning. I do wish work was more meaningful and I was having more of an impact.

I started the bullet method of journaling in March to help keep myself organized and forward looking.

I took an investment course last autumn and started working with a financial planner in January to prepare for retirement. But I’m also wondering about productive ways I can spend my time when I no longer have to work with an eye on the clock. Thinking about time, the passing of time, the potential in growing older,  The Summer Day and a Winter’s Evening...

Although Rob and I didn’t sail as much as in past years, we still took to the water in August for a lovely cruising holiday and enjoyed some Island Time.

Home improvements included rebuilding the back deck and preparing for the basement reno; both took more time than anticipated but eventually got underway.

Mindful of the need to build resilience I’ve tried to focus on choosing happiness. I continue my morning yoga practice and the gratitude habit of thinking about at least three things to be thankful for, before falling asleep. Since January I set a limit of drinking no more than 7 drinks of alcohol per week and have kept within the limit by not drinking after work. I make use of mobile apps like Insight Timer, Fitbit, and Woebot to help reinforce and monitor wellness habits.

There were yoga classes, workshops, Yoga in the Heart of the Cityintensives and retreats help to keep me limber but also get into a more positive frame of mind.

I also made time for the things I enjoy: my garden, uke jam, theatre, food & friends, books and poetry (Heliconian, Book Clubs, Writing Wild).

Really, a phenomenal year despite the challenges.

And here’s to the coming year! Rob will likely retire, Alex and Penny may get married, and Life will unfold with all its joys and sorrows.

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