I also like coming across the little slips of paper and notebooks that are haphazardly filed… recently I came across some notes taken by my twenty year old self for career and life planning. There were just a few pages used up in that little book, so I’m using the rest to start a Bullet Journal.
When I came across BuJo it was immediately appealing, so I’m going to try it out over the next couple of months. It is a useful daily tracking tool, a good forecast, and record for reflection.
As I set up my Bullet Journal and noted upcoming events for monthly forecasts, I realized how much my calendar is already filled with things I'm looking forward to... plays, book club meetings, gallery openings, concerts, Epitourist feasts, yacht club events, daily yoga practise and workshops and camps. Add a full time career.

I am now in a period of transition. My career with the government is in the home stretch with three or so more years to go before I qualify for a full pension. Anything is possible – even staying on longer, if I so choose. What do I love doing, what do I want to keep doing, what is it that will get me out of bed in the morning?

It turns out Alex was already using a system for this year: Nirvana planning. He envisions moments where he is enjoying a peak experience, whether at work, at home, with friends, or at leisure. Imagining in great detail what he is doing, who is there, what he is feeling, why it is making him happy. Then he breaks it down into two or three preceding events or tasks that are needed as steps along the way to make it a reality. Is there a theme that emerges between the moments? He talked about another exercise that involves thinking back over the previous year and coming up with at least three good stories to tell at a party. And he also talked about creating a little time capsule for the year to acknowledge successes and good memories.
Alex described his moments and stories with such strong detail. I was so proud of his accomplishments and plans, as well as how mindful he was to balance career with other personal aspirations. What a great kid! I mean, young man.
He also inspired me to try a bit of Nirvana planning of my own for the year ahead.
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