Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Full Worm Moon - March 2019

The vernal equinox.

Spring is knocking, worms waking up for their work in the garden.

What a long winter!

These past weeks I've been making space by clearing things away. Coming across bits and scraps of scribbled paper. They rise to the tops of piles and I recognize them, moments forgotten, returned. Didn't I hoard them away for the future, my present self? Here I am!

Scraps from when I was 21 and future planning, full of hope and longing. I would have 1-2 children, work in film, teach for awhile, become a journalist, then retire to run a bookstore at 50. Things didn't quite turn out that way, but I think my 21-year-old self would be quite pleased in many ways.

Amazed even, at some unimagined adventures.

Also re-found a wonderful poem, already recorded in the blog but worth repeating.

Escondido Night

The moon is the shape
Of this hidden cove
Fishing boats are constellations
We floated through a heaven
That glittered phospherescent
like plankton in tinfoil
And paused between a pair:
Aurorita and Viridiana, to thrash
about like comets just
let out of school.
And continued on a light year
Later moondust in my mouth
And all over your body

Cavatinas for Long Nights, Jim Christy

The full worm moon will occur on March 20th, 2019 at 9:43 PM ET

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