Thursday, April 6, 2023

Full Egg Moon - April 2023

The Egg Moon is the first full moon after the Spring Equinox, and just before Easter, also called the Paschal Moon (pertaining to Easter or Passover). The egg a perfect symbol for life, birth and potential.

Yes, it is also known as the Pink moon and Flower moon - but in my neck of the woods the only flowers opening right now are crocus. Definitely no creeping pink phlox! 

Nick Drake's Pink Moon commemorates the occasion. This full moon is as good an excuse as any to give the song and album a listen.

Saw it written and I saw it say
Pink moon is on its way
And none of you stand so tall
Pink moon gonna get ye all
And it's a pink moon
Hey, it's a pink moon
Pink, pink, pink, pink, pink moon
Pink, pink, pink, pink, pink moon
I saw it written and I saw it say
A pink moon is on its way
And none of you stand so tall
Pink moon gonna get ye all
It's a pink moon
Yeah, it's a pink moon

The Pink Moon peaks just after midnight and during the early morning of Thursday, April 6, 2023

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