Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Summer inspiration

Lots of photos in this post, so a bit of a preamble while they all load.

Whenever I visit gardens I spot something I'd like to try in my own backyard. Not everything is practical - like the pitcher plants and ladies slippers on the Bruce Peninsula alvar, some species just won't thrive. 

My garden is small, with limited real estate for planting. Although not as shady in years past, most places are 'part sun.'  I still want a prickly pear!!

Choices must be made, so although I might not be able to execute on a grand scale, I could bring in small elements. 

Sources of garden inspiration on my summer travels:

Toronto Island, for the kales and lettuce planted at the Toronto Island cafe and the Willow Square mosaic. 

Music Garden in Toronto, for the flow of the garden and choice of plants attracting pollinators.

Stratford Theatre, for the stories behind the plants and a willow trellis.
Mugwort's protection from evil spirits...

Killarney Lodge - mass plantings of astilbe, bergamot and ladies mantle / ox eye daisy and potentilla combo.

Royal Botanical Gardens in Hamilton for cardinal flower and blue indigo. 
I have some blue indigo seeds I want to try to germinate in the spring.

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