Friday, August 14, 2009

Cobourg (Day 15)

Spent another day of motor-sailing. No wind. But also - no thunderstorms. It almost felt like something was missing.

Set sail from Sandbanks at 7 a.m. and arrived at Cobourg for the Ribfest by 3 p.m. After the quiet and solitude of 3 days at anchor it was almost startling to see such a crowded beach and jostle against the sweaty crowds.

The ribs & roasted corn were delicious; so was the bloomin' onion.

Even though Cobourg is not a big city, the night lights here are enough to considerably dim the view of the stars. We are cheek by jowl with other boats in the marina, not much of a breeze. Sticky. Hot. Perfect conditions for watching a DVD with the fan on.... and maybe a chilled Waupoos Cider.

Early start tomorrow... destination still undecided.

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