Saturday, January 15, 2022


January 7 was my last day at work! Alex, Penny, Rob and I had a quiet celebration at home. Champagne, pizza, balloons!

I capitulated my recapitulation on January 4, and FINALLY confirmed my intent. My manager arranged for my work assets to be picked up the evening of my last day, no doubt before I could change my mind.

I sent off my virtual goodbyes to some of the people who were still working and with whom I wanted to share the news, and many responded with kind words and well wishes.

Happy New Year!
It’s the time of year we look back on the past to ponder accomplishments and look forward to new beginnings.
I wanted to express my gratitude and thanks to you for making my time in the OPS both memorable and meaningful.
If these times were more ‘normal’, I might drop by your desk at work, but instead I am dropping you a line to let you know I am retiring from the Ontario Public Service.
My last day in the office is Friday January 7.
I don’t really like the word ‘retirement’ but am looking forward to ‘rewirement,’ and more time to pursue my passions. I continue to serve as Vice Commodore at Bluffers Park Yacht Club and am now officially a Toronto Master Gardener in Training! I’m sure life will unfold more new adventures in the years ahead. 
As I metaphorically clean out my desk, I want you to know you, I am truly happy our paths crossed. I think you are awesome and wish you continued success!
All the best in 2022 and beyond!
With warm thanks,

Somehow fitting there was a typo.

The last few days were surreal. After all the planning the moment had finally come. I took a final photo of my work laptop as it was shutting down.

1 comment:

NBH said...

Congratulations, you did it!