Sunday, January 2, 2022

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
Here’s to a great 2022!
And 2021….don’t let the door hit yer ass on the way out, ya prick.

Seriously 2021…GFY.

I didn't write those words, but snorted out loud when I read what Paul B. had posted on his Facebook page. 

2021 was a tough year. Covid lockdowns and restrictions added an extra layer of complexity and limited travel and social connection. Uncertainty made planning difficult. 

Just when things started looking like they would improve, a  new variant was sweeping the planet. Record high numbers of infections in Ontario meant plans for the Ontario Public Service gradual return to the workplace were extended from January to the end of March. People were trying to schedule booster shots and the lucky ones were lining up. Christmas parties were scaled back, New Year's Eve celebrations were cancelled, and BPYC postponed the New Year's Levee. 

Despite all the doom and gloom in 2021 there were important milestones.  Alex and Penny got married, I turned 60, and tried to set a date for my retirement/rewirement. 

My days and evenings were filled with blessings. I continued working from home, kept up my yoga practice, and took online classes and workshops with great yoga teachers. The Epitourists kept on cooking, I kept strumming with Scarborough Uke Jam and meeting with both of my book clubs. I studied meditation with Pema Chodrin and attended an online summit about the Science and Wisdom of Emotions.  I signed on for a second year as Vice Commodore at BPYC and became a Toronto Master Gardener in training. Traveled locally, took lots of day trips, and enjoyed a month long sailing holiday on Lake Ontario. Savoured quotidian pleasures: my morning coffee, walks in the neighbourhood, hot bowls of soup, meals with Rob, visits with Alex and Penny, zoom calls with my brothers and sister. 

It was a pretty good year, all things considered. Everyone healthy and safe.

Our New Year's Eve celebrations weren't fully planned and left lots of room for spontaneous fun.

Rob and I were invited to Amita’s for dinner and then Alex, Penny and Amita came back to our place for games and drinks.

At midnight we finished our countdown and sang Auld Lang Syne. Just after our champagne toasts, the sound of distant fireworks pulled us outside in hope of seeing something, but it was too far away and too foggy. As we were looking up into the night sky, a big show of golden fire exploded right overhead from a nearby neighbour’s house. It turned out Aldo and Alex (friends from BPYC) were visiting Alex’ sister across the street. They were laughing and taking turns dragging a suitcase around the road, which is a Mexican tradition to ensure a travel filled year. Not to be left out, I ran upstairs to get my suitcase and our household took turns. Hopefully this will work it’s magic and we will travel further distances in 2022!! To bring prosperity, we tossed coins over our shoulder into the front door and swept the old year out on the front steps. 

Alex and Penny stayed over and the next morning we had a lovely brunch. Mimosa, bacon wrapped scallops, omelet and grapefruit, chocolate truffles and coffee.

Welcome 2022!

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