Saturday, January 30, 2016

One thing leads to another

Our sailboat needed a slip, so we went to Highland Yacht Club to see about membership. When I mentioned to a colleague at work that we were thinking of joining, he said Bluffers Park Yacht Club was much better. Better bar, better view, and more affordable. Ciairan was so enthusiastic, I actually thought he would get a finders fee for bringing new members into the club. Thanks to him, we checked it out, were accepted, and found a friendly dock. That was more than ten years ago, and BPYC has become so much more than a place to put our boat.

In the many years since, we've become part of a community. The self-help philosophy helps keep annual fees low, but more importantly, the club is a reflection of its members. Fresh paint on the deck, flowers planted in the garden, swans fed.

And an active social calendar. Just this past month, I've participated in such memorable events at the clubhouse. The Commodore's Levee, with live music and mingling to celebrate New Year's Day. Trivia Night, with laughter and learning. BPYC Book Club with engaging conversation. Open Mic, with new and experienced musicians sharing some of their favourite tunes (including the yet-to-be-named-BPYC-strummers). And also Robbie Burns Supper.

The dinner for the Bard was organized by our Amazing Grace. She found the piper and dancers, coordinated volunteers and arranged the itinerary. The Address to the Haggis was dramatic, as the knife pierced the casing and steam rose into the air above. Later, sharing the Immortal Memory, Grace called on three women from Burn's life: his mother, wife, and patron. She embodied their characters as she fiddled, quoted Burns', and reminisced about Rabbie. Rob was Chairman of the dinner, so I ended up at the head table, with a great view of the proceedings.

I am so thankful for the wonderful friendships we've made with fellow sailors over the years. It may have started with the common interest of boating but has bloomed to sharing others: food, wine, theatre, art, music, birding, books. New discoveries and connections.

An example. Just yesterday Caroline organized a road trip and Laura, Kaarina and I were happy to follow her itinerary. Visiting Guildercroft with its antiques and handcrafted furniture. Then on to an afternoon of tastings. A trip to the newly opened Second Wedge Brewery, a flight of beers paired with Canadian cheeses, a tour with the brew master. Lunch at the Urban Pantry. Tasting wine in her neighbours' cellar, who crush grapes they order from California and age their own wine in barrels: chardonnay, albarino, syrah, zinfandel, cabernet. Casks tapped and wine spilled onto a gravel floor. Such delight on a winter's day.

So this January morning, looking over the events of this past month, I can't help but be thankful that more than ten years ago we choose to join BPYC. How different would our lives be if we had chosen a different club? And how much richer our lives have been, shared with these others.

1 comment:

Dick Grannan said...


Welcome to BPYC. It sounds that the early vision is still alive. Thanks for confirming that idea.
Great Blog