Last Friday when I woke up, instead of my usual morning meditation/yoga, I drove out to High Park to admire the cherry blossoms before heading off to a full day at work. They were gorgeous! Like pink clouds that had come down from the heavens. Despite the early hour, there were plenty of fellow admirers. City TV, two bride and groom photo shoots, several beauties among the blossoms. The petals were starting to fall, so I'm glad I managed to make it out before it was too late. Some things you just can't put off! For rest of the day I felt so happy I was almost giddy.
The same evening Rob and I headed to the Aquarium with Liz and Darcy to listen to jazz and take in the incredible sights. The band was playing standards I'm trying to learn on the ukulele (Stand by Me, Walking After Midnight) and lots of other great tunes. We were able to wander around with a glass of wine in hand, something not possible except at special events. All in all a fantastic day!
Which brings me to the 'last pictures'. Saturday morning I was driving in the neighbourhood and there was a beautiful magnolia dropping the last of its petals. It looked as though it were standing in a pink lake. Breath-taking! So I stopped the car, grabbed my camera and got out to take a photo. I guess I was a bit too excited because the camera flew out of my hand and skidded across the road. Unfortunately it wasn't able to power on to take the photo I wanted. Hopefully the camera is still under warranty and can be repaired. If not, it took some great last pictures.
Blossoms in High Park |
Beauty shots |
Ripley's Aquarium |
Other-worldly face |
Dragon fish |
Jelly fish |
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