Sunday, April 18, 2010

How much fun can you have in one day?

After a great yoga class with my brother Dave, I went off for a tour of Little India, enjoyed some fantastic South Asian dosa at Udupi Palace, discovered how amazing rose petals can taste in paan, marveled at magnolias in a neighbour's garden, and came home to enjoy the view in my own backyard.

I planted some grass in pots and sunk my hands wrist deep into the soft earth. Watched the light dance on the tips of the new leaves.

While dinner roasted in the oven I sipped on wine and investigated what's unfurling in my garden (fern, wild ginger, wasabi, trillium, sweet woodruff, Solomon's Seal, Lady's Mantle...)

Shared a tasty meal of roasted chicken & vegetables & caesar salad with Rob and Alex as we told each other stories of the day.

What a perfect, fabulous, amazing, incredible, beautiful time.

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