Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Kiss the joy as it flies

Went and heard Sheree Fitch speak about writing her first adult fiction book, Kiss the joy as it flies. An award-winning children's author and poet, her first venture into the world of adult fiction earned her a place on the shortlist of the Stephen Leacock medal for humour.

She was always intimidated about writing for adults, knowing that she wouldn't write something like Margaret Laurence, Atwood or Alice Munro. Setting such high standards paralyzed her until she realized that although she couldn't write like those icons, she would write like Sheree Fitch, and found her own voice.

Funny, wry and at times profound, it is a wonderful story. Reading this I kept thinking of the friends I would lend it to, and the list grew long pretty quickly. After hearing the author speak, the list is even longer!

I certainly hope this isn't this her last adult fiction. I like the traces of children's lit: 'Mercy rose, washed, ate, brushed, flossed, flushed, dressed, scrunched, lip-glossed, smacked, smiled, dabbed, patted, changed, fluffed, fed the cat, and left.' I enjoyed the references to Blake & the biblical parallels of a story that could be interpreted on many different levels.

I especially like my autographed copy that reads, 'For Diane~ Joy! to the Word World!'

I'll let you borrow it, but only if you promise to give it back.

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