Monday, September 30, 2024

That's a lot of candles!

I always thought it interesting that we 'turn' of age on our birth date, but really it is marking the calendar for the number of years since we were born. So now I am 63. I couldn't even imagine being 50. I asked my grandmother decades ago, when she was turning 80, whether she thought she would live such a long life, and 'no' she said. Can I imagine myself at 80? Well, I can imagine, but it feels more like hope.

My 63rd year was certainly eventful! Nora was born, my son became a father and I became a grandmother. Such a fierce attachment to this new being, she is such a wonder.

Travelled to Japan in April, in cherry blossom season. Bucket list! It was, and wasn't, everything I expected. Although only a three week visit, it made me realize how very different cultures and societies can be. Other travel destinations so far have felt somehow familiar, although this sometimes felt strangely so. Had I been here before? A fleeting deja vu and then back to the sensation I was floating through the scenery in an altogether foreign place.

Other travel adventures were St. Lucia (February), Stratford (September), and Fall colours in Matewatchen, Chelsea, and Old Montreal (October).

I fulfilled the requirements of the Toronto Master Gardener program and 'graduated' in June. I started the courses in 2022. I continued managing the relationship with the Toronto Public Library that puts our gardeners into branches across the city. More than 1000 participants in 2023 alone, so I do feel that I'm helping grow gardening inspiration across the city. Went to the MGOI Annual Conference in June. My garden has never received so much attention!

I  ended my term as Vice Commodore at BPYC on a high note in December '23, as members voted to accept the revised By-Laws I'd been working on over three year-long terms. What a relief! There was a very vocal minority who were trying to stop it being passed, feeling we were rushing things (really, three years, three consultations?!? Whatever. It's done!)  

Back to being a regular BPYC member, there were lots of fun social events, including a White Party and Basin Party, afternoons at the club playing Euchre, and the boat club book club. Sadly, I didn't spend half as much time sailing as I wanted to this year. It was a bit depressing actually. Rob just didn't feel like taking the boat out all that much, where I'd imagined my retirement summers sailing Lake Ontario. I was grateful for the time we did spend time Yondering, but it did make me realize I need to explore other summer pastimes. 

Strong reminders of mortality were my car accident in June as well as the passing of my friend Janine.  In early September everyone was shocked to find out my sister Kathy was battling seven different kinds of cancer. The treatment she was receiving for her MS accelerated their growth. I've been to Kitchener a couple times since then to help her settle her affairs. I admire her courage as she makes these final arrangements.

How do I want to spend the time I have left, who knows how long it will be? 

I do love the time spent with Rob, family and friends. My yoga and Qigong, Epitourists, Book Club(s). Garden Club(s). Neighbourhood walks. Time in the city. Theatre. Books. Music. Travel. Uke Jam.

I am grateful to embark on my 64th year.

"It's not how old you are. It's how you are old." - Jules Renard

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