The six day sadhana with Abhijata was called Rooted in Practice. and a chance to explore some new approaches to familiar postures. Although the pandemic was at new heights in India, she was still able to teach from the Institute in Pune.
In my daily routine I usually do 30 minutes in the morning, whereas the sadhana offered two hours at the start of each day. The additional practice time helped warm up my body and psyche to go a bit further and find the benefit of greater ease where it may not have existed before.
Taking quarter day vacations was a treat, if not a full retreat, as four of these days was followed by a work day.
Time flew... Abhi would instruct different versions for 'youngsters' and 'elderly.' I found myself going back and forth between the two categories, depending on my energy level. As gratifying as it was to keep up with the youngsters in full arm balance, I was more than happy to choose the modified version for the standing split pose (Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana). At least my ego proved flexible!
The connection between breath and asana is so rich! Using breath on the exhale to power full arm balance, using breath on the exhale to go deeper on a forward bend, using the inhale to go deeper in a forward bend.
Twists. Ugh. They were really not agreeing with me on Day Two. I had no strength to call on but persevered, perhaps to my detriment (they totally wore me out)!
Day Three and Four, really loved moving from down dog to up dog; and also from to Parsvottanasana/Intense Side Stretch to Warrior Three.
There were some great reminders on how to use props to go deeper. And an important new insight for seated forward bends, to place a blanket down on the sticky mat so your legs don't grab the surface and can enjoy more freedom of movement (what a difference!)
I will be working on Paschimottanasana (Forward Bend) for awhile. It's a pose that has always been challenging. Using a chair to slightly exaggerate the angle invited gravity to ease a bit further: first, sit forward on the chair (place a bolster to help the chest meet the leg); next, sit on the floor in front of the chair and bend forward; third do the forward bend on the floor, applying the lessons learned from the first and second attempts.
Recordings of the classes are only available for a short time and I've already gone back to redo Day Four - a potpourri of different poses.
I find myself once again grateful for the virtual opportunity to study with Abhijata.
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