Friday, February 5, 2021

Dry January

Toasted the end of Dry January with a Negroni that was much anticipated and hugely savoured.

Dry January was well timed this year as I am taking a course with Pema Chodrin on Buddhist philosophy that asked us to sit with our discomfort and observe our kleshas, and craving is big one. So, a good opportunity to feel the craving without satisfying it. 

Ride the wave of tension and longing. What does it feel like in your body? What is the storyline? What other paths are there? Make a conscious choice. 

I tried tasty substitutions: Seedlip cocktails, kombucha, and tonics. I mixed up one for myself with apple cider vinegar + ginger + tumeric + lemon + honey that was quite refreshing. A nice cuppa tea. Water infused with cucumbers or lemons or ginger.

In 2020, I listened to a documentary that referenced the World Health Organization claim that alcohol was a Class 1 carcinogen and unsafe at any level. However, I enjoy my wine and spirits too much to eliminate them altogether,  so now curtail my consumption to the weekend. CAMH defines low risk drinking for women at less than 10 drinks a week, and no more than 3 drinks in one sitting (1.5 oz. spirit; 5 oz wine; 12 oz of regular beer). For the most part, that's my habit now.


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