Extremely busy = (fulltime work) + (2 book club meetings + 4 Heliconian lectures + weekly yoga + bi-weekly Scarboro Uke Jam + weekly card game + weekly family Zoom ) + (month-long weekend yoga sessions with Preshant + saying 'yes' to a virtual musical collaboration) + Thanksgiving + weekend get togethers with family and friends
Busy, yes, but also seasonal changes. Sailing season at its end. Putting the garden to bed. Swapping out my wardrobe for warm and woolly.
Things that were planned for the future were suddenly crystalizing or happening sooner than expected.
- New/old job and abrupt work return to my home position
- Total realization that I was ready, willing, and able to retire in under a year
- Multiple projects for home renovations wrapping up
Although not something I'd planned to do at the start of the month, before month's end I found myself on the Board of Directors as Vice Commodore at BPYC. The position was going unfilled and I do love this community, so when a few people encouraged me to take it on, I thought it was about time to step up.
It seems many of my friends were announcing some big changes of their own, too. Selling their houses to leave the city, celebrating their kids getting engaged, orchestrating buy-outs and early retirements at work, taking on pet ownership for the first time...
Although in some ways during this pandemic it has often felt life is on hold, that's just so far from true. As Robert Frost said, "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on."
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