The Sumac we planted in the spring has turned the most amazing autumn colours, and is the perfect background for the monkshood as it pokes up from behind in the ravine. Next year it should make an even stronger impression as it increases its height.
The ravine itself started changing colour early September, and we've been enjoying the show daily from our windows.
Working from home has its perks, including watching the birds. There is a regular show at the backyard feeder of cardinals, jays, woodpeckers, doves, nuthatches, chickadees and grackles. From my home office that faces the front garden, I've been able to see cardinals and smaller perching birds feeding on the hydrangea and ivy.
The Barbados Cherry bonsai that was blooming in the backyard in September moved inside, and under the grow lamp, blossomed again in its new home.

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