Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Immersive Van Gogh

Back in July, Rob, Alex, Penny and I went to Immersive Van Gogh by car, and this September we returned by foot. I felt sensations of floating ease to enveloped by such beautiful colour and form.

Before heading to the exhibit we grabbed a takeout dinner from the Danforth and sat in Withrow Park enjoying an impromptu picnic in the early fall breeze.

Social distancing is still in effect, and mask wearing during the exhibit was essential. The splendour of the images made me soon forget the mask. 

I haven't visited an art gallery since last last February and was definitely in need of a fix. Took lots of photos and videos to try to capture the moments, but it's like trying to capture a sunset or mountains or the moon at night. The scale of the images is part of what impresses, and small squares backlit on the phone hardly do it justice.

Both visits I left feeling uplifted, lighter somehow.

The wall mural I ordered for my home office is inspired by Van Gogh's almond blossoms, such gorgeous colour. I caught the blossoms as they blew onto branches, defying space and time.

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