August 23, just a short email from YCT arrived to trigger concern and a bit of panic: "Due to medical conditions at this time, per Doctors' orders, Marlene’s active role with YCT is terminated for the foreseeable future. Marlene has suffered an episode. She is in hospital, under observation. She will be out of commission for some time. Recovery will be long."
It was a disturbing message in part because of the choice of words "terminated" and "episode," legal sounding terms with so much left unsaid. I had just been in her online class August 19, having signed up in July/August for twice weekly sessions.
I was concerned for my teacher, and also selfishly, wanted our time together to continue. I needed her! For her teachings and for her inspiration.
Marlene has been my primary teacher, and the teacher of my teachers, for more than a decade, and a champion who helped to bring the teachings of BKS Iyengar to Canada. Her commitment to Iyengar Yoga is evident in all the hours she puts into guiding her students and student teachers.
Without Marlene there will be a void.
Over the last month I've been in many yoga classes led by other teachers. Jocylyn from YCT opened hers with prayers to send Marlene and our loved ones healing and positive energy. Attending online classes with Niren at
Yogananta and Stephanie and Jane at
Studio Po, I could hear Marlene's voice echo in their instructions and attention.
My teacher has not deserted me, but left a legacy of many different and wonderful teachers in the city.
Thankfully more positive letters from Marlene started to arrive to let us know she was on the mend. Then another, two short weeks later, to let us know she'd been sent home from the hospital much earlier than expected and that her therapists were starting to believe in Iyengar yoga.
People do scoff at prayer and positive energy as being powerful healers, but there is
evidence to support it is more than possible. Miracles happen every day.
postscript September 1 - A letter from Marlene
Dear friends, colleagues and students
Thank you so much for your kind thoughts and prayers. This has meant SO much to me. On the morning of Thursday August 20, I experienced a small bleed in the brain, which left my entire right side paralyzed. Fortunately, it did not affect my thought process, my eyes, hearing, etc.
According to my doctors I am making a very good recovery, but it is going to be a long recovery. They are anticipating that I will spend one month in hospital, as thy wish to send me home in the best possible condition.
I am working with wonderful therapists who have brought me a long way in a short time.
My intention is to be diligent and to make as complete a recovery as possible.
Please continue to keep me in your thoughts. Your kind words are an inspiration to me everyday.
Please keep in touch with me. I cannot respond to your letters at this time but every one of them means SO much to me.
Love, Marlene
postscript September 15 - a letter from Marlene
Dear colleagues, friends, and students
I am happy to tell you that I left the hospital on Friday, well ahead of my anticipated time there.
I am making a very steady recovery. The se of my right arm, hand and leg are coming along really well. The therapists are starting to believe in Iyengar Yoga. They, and I, anticipate a full recovery over a not too long period of time.
The lesion in my brain has healed and fortunately, at no time was there any cognitive impairment.
Your emails, cards, stories, thoughts and prayers have been the most incredible help and support to me during this difficult time.
I hope to continue to hear from you and I will reach out to each and every one of you as soon as my right hand is up to managing the computer.
My heart cannot thank you enough for all that you have done for me. I hope to see you all very soon.
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