Every day there is something new to see in my backyard. I wonder how I could not notice the red exotic flowers at the root of the wild ginger before?
wild ginger flowers blooming at the root |
They only last a day or two, maybe I never really looked at the right moment, or mistook them for leaf debris. I've been growing this for more than a decade and never really caught them in bloom.
And the mayapples, rude and comical at once. Again, never really noticed the small round heads perched just so at their very tips. Will those small green beads turn into the white flowers? Will have to wait a few weeks, I think.
Mayapples |
The blood root poked up on April 15 and was in full bloom ten days later, attracting bees like crazy. By May 2nd there were still some flowers but fallen petals were distracted by the green broad leaves.
blood root |
Tulips, and more tulips, and daffodils.
Primrose, pulmonaria. Ferns. Leaves popping. Oh-I-do-love-this-time-of-year.
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