Monday, August 5, 2019

Setting sail

In Waupoos at the start of our three week vacation! It took us three days to get here: motoring to Cobourg; sailing to the Murray; sailing via the 'outside' route. Clear skies and starry nights.

Here we are at Little Bluffs. Awful Beloved is here, and so are Sunglimmer and Alcione.

Sitting inside the cabin enjoying the pitter patter of rain. Squall warnings in effect. So far, no thunder.

This year we haven't been out in the boat much (just 5 times total before the trip). A shakedown sail on Father's Day in June followed by 3 day sails and then a weekend trip to the island. Partly due to the high water making it challenging to get on and off the boat - very limited reciprocals, too.

So I am especially savouring this time on the water.
at anchor in Cobourg

tied to the wall at Murray

Little Bluffs

Saturday August 3 - anchored in Cobourg
Sunday August 4 - tied to the wall at the Murray
Monday August 5 - dropped anchor at Little Bluffs!

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