We decided to get while the getting was good, to head back around the 'outside.' Fair winds and sailing for about 3/4 of the trip, we rounded the bend into the Murray while the moon was just coming up. Swans swimming in the moonlight.
The next day, a long-ish trip to Cobourg, where we decided on a slip. Who should be in town but Mike and Lynn. Out for the first restaurant meal of the trip, to a sushi/North Korean restaurant. Delicious!
We opted for another night in Cobourg, taking Sunglimmer's place on the wall.
Enjoyed the garden, went for a walk on the waterfront trail and then went to the public beach for a swim. Just floating in the gentle surf, looking up at the big sky.
Our trip coincided with Ribfest and a free concert in the park. The Good Brothers! The last time I saw them perform I was a kid and it was 44 years ago. Rob had memories of his own, seeing them around the same time at the Brockdan in Sudbury. They are truly excellent musicians, and after a lifetime of performing together it looks like they are still having fun.
Stepping back on to Yondering at the end of the night, I admired the nine boats at anchor, navigation lights bobbing like fireflies against the moonlit sky.
Wednesday August 15 the moon was full when we were at the wall in the Murray
Just as big in Cobourg at our slip on Thursday August 16.
Waning when we were tied to the reciprocal wall August 17.
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