Sunday, May 19, 2019

Full Flower Moon - May 2019

I enjoyed the Full Flower / Worm Moon in Ottawa and Chelsea Quebec. Rob and I were there feasting and catching up with old friends. The get-together has become something of an annual tradition. We stayed at Joe's and Jan's with Chris and Art on Friday night, while Tony and Mary and Shelley and Pat joined us at the table for a meal of prime rib. The next night was the same group at Mary's and Tony's for tapas. Lots of crazy-delicious food but even better were the laughter and ease in the air.En route to Chelsea we tried to take in the Tulip Festival - unbelievably busy and impossible to park. Busloads of tourists were wending their way along the canal, checking out food tents and the arts & crafts fair. Yet because of all the cold weather, the tulips are far behind in their opening. Many were closed buds. Late for their own opening!

The Flower Moon was full May 18th

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