Saturday, January 5, 2019

Work / Life Balance?

The holidays are over and it is back to work, and the start of a new assignment. Actually the 'new' assignment is a return to my home position.

For the last two years I've been with an organization promoting interministerial collaboration and fostering a leadership culture; working with a virtual team and engaging volunteers. Sometimes it was overly demanding - like the month I put on 7 events. Definitely challenging and rewarding, with a lot of 'heavy lifting' behind the scenes... meeting, organizing and strategizing to help create conditions for others' success.

As so much of the activity was virtual I was able to work from home frequently, going into the office for critical meetings or when I needed a printer. Can't say I missed the commute! However, I did miss connecting face-to-face with a work team.

Back in my home position this week, I really enjoyed seeing colleagues and renewing that shared connection. Although I am returning to familiar territory the processes aren't yet in my short-term working memory (even those processes and standard operating procedures I helped to create). It is a bit like coming into shore, seeing shapes take on definition.

Things will be very busy this quarter as the unit coordinates ministry reorganizations, and almost every single ministry has been tapped for change by the new incoming government. Lots of other changes afoot as well, including offers of early exit packages. Timing isn't right for me, however, in my unit of nine, there are likely to be at least four departures, and not everyone will be replaced when they leave. So there will be no shortage of work! I will have to be careful not to take on too much, or end up like the frog in the boiling water that is turned up so gradually they are boiled to death in the soup before realizing they can hop out of the pot.

And although I do enjoy work, I have created the life I love through balancing hard work with lots of other pursuits. Sometimes there has been a great divide, with work hard and enjoy life on opposite sides of the scale. Work as not fun but a place to get things done, and as quickly and efficiently as possible.

However I find it more effective to bring a few more opportunities to the work day and work week to integrate and actually enjoy work life.

There's lots to savour.  In addition to interesting work and colleagues, I appreciate having a convivial space to prepare and eat lunch. I have a placemat and ceramic plates and real cutlery that I lay out to enjoy my meal. Passersby often comment it's fancy and I say it is a Weight watchers technique however it is really a way to be mindful, pause and reset.

After a quick bite I try to get out for walks. The immediate neighbourhood is a bit sketchy with some curious characters, however  it is close to Allan Gardens when I need to breathe in some green, around the corner from the Eaton Centre for shopping, St. Michael's Cathedral open for mass at noon, and when I have a bit more time a nice stroll to St. Lawrence Market.

The office is modern, clean and bright with lots of light. I'm going to try to get one of those standing desks with adjustable height so I can easily change position, however in the meantime I can set my fitbit to remind me to move on the hour, whether it is to stand up and grab water from the kitchen or just pause for a few deep breaths.

I need to pay attention, to see what it is I really enjoy in my work life, because when I do eventually retire I will know what I want to carry forward.

I have always sought work/life balance but it really strikes me now this is an either/or proposition. So balance, yes, but also integrate those playful and joyful and mindful moments throughout the day. Every day.

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