Saturday, March 31, 2018

Wonder-full season

All week long I've been checking the dirt for signs of the blood root, hoping it would be poking up through the earth. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. I expected it might not be returning after it was trampled by a fallen limb but still checking daily for signs of growth.

Friday morning I was certain of the worst and planning to visit a native plant nursery, and then Friday afternoon Rob said he saw it emerging. It returns another year.

And the crocus!

And tulips on the way....

Spring is wonder full.

Spring is like a perhaps hand

(which comes carefully

out of Nowhere)arranging
a window,into which people look(while
people stare
arranging and changing placing
carefully there a strange
thing and a known thing here)and

changing everything carefully

From "Spring is like a perhaps hand" by e. e. cummings

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