A party at BPYC on Canada Day, with clubs from the basin joining in the festivities. Dancing with Linda D. on the deck to the band Greystone (Mike P. on percussion and harmonica). Fireworks in the night sky and a campfire sing along on the spit. Happy 150!

Sunday we were out with Kaarina and Mike for a shake-down sail. Finally! July 2nd may be our latest date ever. A giddy afternoon.

Monday Rob and I had a fantastic sail over to Toronto Harbour Our mission was to see the giant duck that is taking a tour of Ontario during this milestone year. I'm not certain of the connection, but it definitely makes the skyline playful.
After a month at the marina, we cautiously returned to our home slip. The docks are still covered several inches in water, and I wasn't sure how we would navigate. We had friendly neighbours to greet us, and fortunately winds were light. I stood starboard with a stick to grab onto the dock for purchase. Rob jumped off and tied the lines. Home again, home again.
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