Saturday, January 7, 2017

Friday night

Yesterday I left work and dropped by both the ROM and AGO before heading over to the Rex for a set, and then enjoyed a cocktail at Note Bene.

What a great way to end the first work week of the year.

I was determined take in some more colour therapy before Chihuly left town, so after work bussed down the street to the museum. This was my fourth visit to the Persian Ceiling, where I took advantage of the beanbags on the floor to lie down and look up for a full twenty minutes, trying to absorb the brilliant hues.

Persian Ceiling

I had a half hour to kill before meeting up with friends at the Rex, so decided to drop into the AGO for a quick peek at the Mystical Landscapes. My 6th time to this exhibit. Each time, I I gaze at the Van Gogh's and Carr's and Jansonn's and find that something new catches my eye, and I wonder how I could possibly have missed it before.

Then on to the Rex Hotel. When I walked in to the crowded room there were no seats anywhere, but there were some friendly faces from BPYC at a table right next to the door. Ross and Cheryl pointed me to Rob standing by the bar. Our timing was perfect as the set was just ending, so we ended up snagging the entire table, right at the front. Our party of 6 was able to join Ross and Cheryl for the best seats in the house!

The band was the Jive Bombers: 6 horns up front with bass, drums and piano behind, accompanied by a female singer with a big, growly voice. Great tunes.

Liz, Darcy, Barb, Colin, Rob and I then went next door to Note Bene. Aviator gin made a nice martini, with hints of lavender and cardamon. Perfect way to end the night.

I love Toronto!

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