Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Sail Away!

The night before we were to start our vacation, the mechanic was still working on the boat. We'd noticed after our trip to the Island there was an anti-freeze leak, and a gasket had to be ordered and shipped from the States. James promised Yondering would be good to go, so we went.

It is now four days in to our holiday, and we've done a fair amount of motoring. So far so good. Although we are staying on the Canadian side of the lake before we venture south, to the 'North' shore, as the New York signs proclaim their geography.

We have had a few things go amiss. The first day, on the main sail, a sail tie untied; then a batton blew itself loose in strong winds. The second day out the summer dock student at Newcastle over-filled the diesel, and it flowed into the bilge. The third day a fuse blew, so no cabin lights. And the oil changed at the docks in Cobourg, as well. Thankfully Rob has been able to fix the issues as they've come up. 

We did our provisioning, shopping on Friday and then stuffing the stuff next morning. Set sail Saturday afternoon. Fantastic! Sunny skies, fair winds, and travelling hull speed up to 7 knots. We sailed for about 6.5 hours before heading into Newcastle. Then on to Cobourg for two nights. Now we are tied up to a slip at the new Trent Port Marina, the first place WiFi has worked. Incredible facilities here: brand new docks, spa-worthy showers, free laundry... and just a short walk to Trenton downtown's grocery store and cinema.

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