Saturday, May 21, 2016

With freedom, books, flowers, and the moon, who could not be happy?

How appropriate I spent the Full Flower Moon and long weekend in my garden, planting and transplanting.

I said I would pace myself but it was too much fun. Once I got started I didn't want to stop. At one point I looked down at my chocolate-dirty-brown hands and said to myself, I f***ing love this!

What did I do?
- transplanted ferns into the ravine
- transplanted brunnera
- planted the daphne
- poked holes in the dirt for Ladybird Cream and Jewel Mixed Nasturtium
- planted Rex begonias (4 different kinds)
- transplanted lily
- transplanted Ladies Mantle
- planted hardy cyclamen (5)
- planted Alexanders Great Siberian Bugloss (Brunnera)
- transplanted woodruff
- mowed the lawn

I also called Dave and Therese to take some plants, and was happy they accepted the offer. Now I will be able to see Cicely, Hosta, Euphorbia, Forget-Me-Nots, Woodruff, Bleeding Hearts, Geranium & Sea Holly in their garden when I visit.

It was the perfect temperature to muck about, wonderful sun and blue skies. Dappled light.



On Sunday, I persuaded Rob to help with the heavy lifting and digging in the front garden. Two hydrangea replaced the white rose, with the boxwood moved to the middle.  The hostas Alex helped me divide on Mother's day found new homes in the front garden.

Monday, I seeded the lawn in the back (what's left of it) and planted Sights of Summer dahlia bulbs. Hope they are as pretty as their picture. I think they will look stunning with the purple aster in the fall.

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