Sunday, May 15, 2016

Spring Magic

Mid-April the blood root started poking up in the garden, and by April 22 they were in full blossom, bees buzzing.

Now it is mid-May, and they have dropped their petals, with the green leaves standing next to the May apples. Splashes and dashes of colour with the tulips and daffodils and forget-me-nots coming and going.

The leaves in the ravine are plumping out, the greening soul nourishing.

It is a very cool spring.

Blooming now
- red tulips
- trillium
- grecian windflowers
- bergenia
- violets
- brunerra (Jack Frost)
- primrose

Just starting
- sweet woodruff just peeking white
- Solomon Seal buds translucently white
- bleeding hearts just pink
- poppies round green heads are starting to swell, but no colour just yet

One of my favourite plants didn't rebound after this last winter, so I called around to several nurseries for a variegated daphne. Plant World had one that was promisingly called Briggs Moonlight. We drove out to Etobicoke, but the variety wasn't half as nice as my last one, so we picked up Eternal Fragrance, with a lovely perfume, instead. Not variegated, but it has pretty blooms and a nice shape. While wandering about, I spotted a dwarf evergreen called Cypress Fernspray. Hopefully it will retain it's fern-like appearance over time. As soon as we got home, Rob planted it where the daphne used to be.

We also picked up a couple of hydrangea bushes, begonias, and veggies.  Can't wait to get them in the ground!

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