Sunday, January 10, 2016

Byhalia, Mississippi

Such powerful performances and incredible script. The play was mounted on a shoestring and performed in very humble surroundings, but it is one of the best productions I've seen in a very long time.

We went to the Storefront Theatre for the World Premier of Byhalia, MIssissippi. The unassuming venue holds seating for less than 50, and when we booked tickets it was with the caveat that latecomers would not be seated due to the intimate nature of the theatre. The play is opening in 7 cities simultaneously. Very strong performances from the Toronto troup.

Rob and I sat in the front row, but all the seats placed the audience right in the middle of the action. For the closing scene, I was only ten feet from the actors. They were crying, I was crying, hell, the whole damn place was crying. It's been a long time since I've been moved to tears by a story.

And what a story. A white couple is expecting their first child, and it is born black, in the heart of Mississippi. To say complications arise is an understatement.

It is story of true love, family, and forgiveness. Absolutely brilliant!

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