Sunday, August 30, 2015

Little Baha

The last few times we've been out we've visited 'Little Baha,' just off the spit for a night at anchor.

When facing away from the city skyline it feels like we are far away from a metropolis, but then with a little swing of the hook you see the CN Tower and the bright lights of the financial district in the distance.

There have been 7 or 8 boats overnight, but no noisy partiers. It is quiet enough to hear crickets.

We've taken Griskit on these short excursions, trying to get her more accustomed to the boat. She tolerates it during the day, but we can see her become more alert and at ease when it gets dark, and she prowls the upper deck. She's good company when we're anchored, but definitely prefers a flat lake.

2 minutes before getting seasick (waves 1 meter)

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