Sunday, June 28, 2015

M dock.... garden?

This spring, it had become apparent that the garden at the base of M dock desperately needed some rejuvenation.  This fact was noticed by my next-dock-neighbour Laura B who talked to slip-mates, and then went to the Board with a proposal for renewal.  A call for volunteers and donations of plants and supplies went out – and quite a number of club members ended up in garden gloves one sunny morning, with shovels and trowels in hand.  Hours later, there was a dramatic difference.  The neglected space was beautiful again, with native plants for pollinators, new branches for birds to nest in, and colourful perennials to brighten the day.

The spirit of the club was so evident to all that morning as we worked side-by-side. The concept of "self-help" was demonstrated in the"what can I do for my club" action taken by these many members.  After the groundwork the night before, (several hours of weeding and tilling the soil to prepare it for planting by Laura and Ed) over a dozen club members participated in the project.

I donated a mugho pine and several coreopsis... plants I'd put in my home garden if it were sunnier.

All docks were represented with members offering donations of plants and/or the needed materials such as soil, sod and mulch in addition to their time and effort.  Many hands truly made light work.  It took some effort and we had to get our hands dirty but, we all had a chance to chat and get to know each other a bit better while having fun. We made our small corner of the world a better place for all to enjoy, members and guests alike.

Oh yes, Laura B. also prepared a very tasty drink called a Strawberry Shrub 
(a popular cooling beverage in Victorian times.)
4 C sliced and crushed strawberries
1 - 1 1/2 C of sugar (to taste)
1 cup of vinegar 

Combine the crushed strawberries and sugar.  Stir well and let sit in the refrigerator overnight to bring out the juices. In a medium saucepan bring the mixture to a low simmer for 10 minutes.  Near the end of the simmer add the vinegar.  Let cool then strain out the solids in a very fine strainer.  Refrigerate the syrup (should yield approx. 2C).  To use, pour into a pitcher, add Perrier or your favourite sparkling water, add ice and enjoy!

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