I stumbled across Gretchen Rubin's blog about her Happiness Project on a day last February when I was feeling particularly down. Her intent was to spend a year "test-driving the wisdom of the ages, the current scientific studies, and the lessons from popular culture about how to be happy--from Aristotle to Martin Seligman to Thoreau to Oprah".
Well the year is over, and the memoir is about to be published on December 29th. I've got the book on order.
I find the book and blog fascinating. Not just because this is one of my favourite subjects. It's also the fact that although the content is available online, it isn't deterring me from purchasing the book, it's whetting my appetite to put a 'friend' on my shelf. In fact, the author has already built a following of 13,000+ fans that will likely get her books onto the bestseller list in short order. Her blog will continue, but now the emphasis will be on speaking engagements and trying to ignite happiness projects in others' lives. Gretchen is in new territory, popularizing the integration of media for her personal brand. Go, Gretchen!
Something I try to concentrate on myself. Be happy with what you have, not dwelling on what I have not. I tend to do that, dwell on what I don't have. But, thank you for this.
I have been thinking about happiness lately and the drive for one to be happy. I think bringing our awareness to what we have is good place to be. ..developing an eye for how blessed we are. I think also there is much joy to be had in the moment..sometimes the moment brings other things... sadness, grief etc which are all purposeful. Part of finding happiness for me is staying with what presents itself. i find if I stay in the moment and trust the wisdom of the moment - there is much joy
Hi Diane- I saw the nice mention of my Happiness Project, here (and that big picture of me!). Thanks so much for shining a spotlight on my work. I very much appreciate those kind words. Best wishes, and Happy Holidays to you, Gretchen
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