Bookcrossing is actually defined in the Miriam Webster dictionary...
n. the practice of leaving a book in a public place to be picked up and read by others, who then do likewise.
members: 737,542
books registered: 5,318,754
good karma: priceless
The "3 Rs" of BookCrossing...
- Read a good book (you already know how to do that)
- Register it (along with your journal comments), get a unique BCID (BookCrossing ID number), and label the book
- Release it for someone else to read (give it to a friend, leave it on a park bench, donate it to charity, "forget" it in a coffee shop, etc.), and get notified by email each time someone comes here and records a journal entry for that book. And if you make Release Notes on the book, others can Go Hunting for it and try to find it!
The site’s FAQ is candid……
.... The truth is that we never know what happens to a wild book — that’s its
karma. Sometimes, a person who loves to read will find a book that speaks to
them — that’s serendipity. Sometimes, people take them and never make
journal entries — that’s frustrating!! BookCrossing is about letting go and letting your book find its own way in the world.
I plan on releasing a copy of Water for Elephants at the Hart House library (a local Bookcrossing Zone) to see what happens...
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