So nice to be treated over the holidays to great dinners with family.
Christmas day dinner was hosted by Therese and Dave, and what a feast! Turkey on the barbecue with all the trimmings, plus a delicious Quebecois dish of pieds de cochon ragout (pig's feet stew... it sounds much better in French but is delicious in either language!)
Later in the holidays we enjoyed a traditional roast beef dinner at Brenda's and Bills's, with perfect mashed potatoes and gravy, and desserts by Gordon.
Today it is off to my Mother's and brothers' place for more revelry, I'm guessing an amazing lasagna and some favourite comfort food dishes.
I feel so very lucky this time of year, getting together to share these meals and to see how much the kids have grown. Even absent family members become present as we share memories, old jokes and stories.
Christmas Present... the gift of this time and this moment and these people, how truly blessed I am!
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