Wednesday, July 31, 2024

July Garden

I can't remember a July that I've spent as much time at home in the garden. Usually we are out and about on the boat, but Rob is taking this time to focus on some updates to prep for the boat survey this fall. Actually, good timing as we want to be near for Alex and Penny and Nora.

There are hardly any weeds between the flagstones in the back as I take the opportunity to pull them when I do my morning Qi Gong. The birds are getting used to me by the feeder and come while I am playing at movements like Wild Goose Flying and Hawk Glaring.

The front yard's expanded garden takes even less time to mow. I have actually been enjoying weeding, thinking of it more as 'editing'... The purslane has been part of our salads, and leaving the seeds to sprout from last year's dill has been a happy thing. Fresh dill in salads and dips, and sprigs to company. The seed pods are lovely placed in vases inside. A refreshing scent as we make our way to the front door. Black swallowtail caterpillars found the dill a feast. Also had a monarch caterpillar on the swamp milkweed (July 26). Bees absolutely loved the flowers on the hosta and are now discovering the hydrangea.

Rob and I have been thrilled to watch the evening primrose in the back, opening in real time, in 20 seconds. And the prickly pear flowered in the beginning of the month! I don't particularly like yellow flowers, but it does happen that many of the flowers I like just happen to be yellow.

The weather reminded me of summers in my childhood - hot days, cool nights. I was surprised to hear Kaarina remark the same - so it isn't only me. It was great while it lasted, as August grew quite sweltering. I wonder if it was the evening heat that triggered the bleeding hearts, poppies and dogwoods into their second flowering? 

The water hyacynth and water lettuce are growing like mad in the pond, excess being tossed into the back ravine for compost.

Dahlias are tumbling onto the front walk. I have to stake them sooner in the season!

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