Friday, February 23, 2024

Birds in St. Lucia


A pair of lesser Antilles bullfinches would join us for breakfast in Gros Islet on the terrace in the mornings. Him with his red throat and shiny black feathers, and her in lighter grey. They eventually had us trained to leave them bits of bread on the railing. A tropical mockingbird was also a regular morning caller, visiting around 9 am. Also sighted a green heron stalking an anole on the property, waiting patiently for an opportunity to pounce.

One of the most memorable swims I had was on Anse L'Ivorgne, floating and watching brown pelicans soaring above and diving beside me in the water. 
Other sea birds spotted included frigates, brown boobies, gulls.

Hummingbirds drinking from blossoms in the gardens - both green throated and purple throated Caribs, as well as the Antillean Crested Hummingbird.

Lesser egrets hanging out with goats.

Carib grackles, Zenaida doves.


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