Sunday, October 6, 2019

Silent Retreat

“You should sit in meditation for twenty minutes every day—unless you're too busy. Then you should sit for an hour.” — Zen proverb.

It's been two years since Dave and I took the mindfulness studies course.

Prior to the course I already had a mindfulness practice, but no formal training, so part of the reason I took it was to find out if I was meditating 'right.' The course was very useful, as I learned techniques and some different approaches, and was reassured it really is a simple as it sounds, and as difficult.

Part of the curriculum was a day long silent retreat. I thought it would be a full day on the cushion, and was relieved when it turned out to be a silent day of a series of guided meditations. I felt fabulous at the end of the day and promised myself to return.

I checked in with Dave, and he was up for a return visit too, so I made it his birthday 'present,' and packed us each a lunch.

No clocks. No phones. No reading. No writing. No making eye contact.

Focus on the present. Here. Now. Here.


Guided Meditations
Body Scan
Loving Kindness

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