Sunday, June 30, 2019


So exhausted, but made my way to Sunday morning yoga class with Sarah. I found it hard to climb the stairs to the studio and was then elated to discover it was a restorative class.

The last class of every month is restorative, but for some reason I thought the month had ended and was expecting standing poses.

Today's the last day of the month of June.

And what a month!  Reorg at work and lots of transitions. On the personal front: yoga/music camp weekend, book club AGM, an Epitourist feast, the first sail of the season, wonders in the garden. Healthwise: a root canal, a second visit to the dentist for more pain, invasive (but routine) medical procedures, a trip to urgent care, allergies and a bad cough that has my lymph system at high alert.

So this restorative... truly restorative.

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