Saturday, May 4, 2019

Native plant sale

My garden has an abundance of native plants. I've been a convert for many years, since learning of their benefits for local birds and bugs. With the added advantage they are adapted to thrive without fertilizers and constant care.

I was debating whether to plant the seedlings from the native plant sale... there was snow last week, although it melted as it hit the ground. These are natives, though, and used to our fickle spring.

Hoping these like their new homes & I will be taking photos of them thriving during the summer.

Butterfly milkweed - front garden
lancet-leaved coreopsis - front garden
pale purple cornflower - front garden
Foxglove beardtongue - 1 back garden, 1 front garden
large toothwort (ephemeral) - back garden near the bloodroot
Flowering dogwood - ravine
wild bergamot - back garden
maidenhair fern - ravine

There were some jack-in-the-pulpits for sale but absolutely nothing showing in the pots... I need more signs of life before handing over cash.

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